Winner of a companywide competition to celebrate the 80th anniversary of my employers, Petroleum Development Oman

PDO is a Shining Ray


By Fahim Firfiray

Muscat, November, 2017

PDO is a shining ray

That works hard for Oman, everyday


Always seeking reserves, drilling, boring,

Hunting, searching, surveying, exploring


And when that oil or gas is finally found,

Ingeniously pulling it out of the ground


Piping it, pumping it, expertly transporting

Then all over the globe, sending, exporting


Then with that revenue, working hand in hand,

With towns and villages across the land


Helping their projects, generously spending,

Building, constructing, fixing, mending


Listening to elders, communicating

Developing their youth, educating


Ensuring that In-Country Value increases,

With Omani products, contracts and leases


Solar, Reed Beds, taking such care

To protect Oman and the planet we share


So, it’s time to cheer and declare out loud,

PDO serves Oman and for that we are PROUD