History? and All Lives Matter were written in a state of alarm and distress in 2020 about the beloved place of my birth.
All Lives Matter coincided with the death of George Floyd and the renewed prominence of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement amongst politicians and the media in the United States.
YouTube readings of both poems, "History?" and "All Lives Matter" available here:
(All Lives Matter appears at 3 minutes 23seconds)
All Lives Matter
By Fahim
Muscat, June, 2020
BLM friends
you forcefully spoke
And now at last
the sleepers awoke
Home of the Brave
Land of the Free
Now ready and willing
to take the knee
Expressing outrage,
screaming their views,
"Incredible India"
say the Tourism Board
All their lies,
a scandalous fraud
The slaughter of Muslims
daily increases,
14 year old Christian
chopped into pieces
The hundreds in jail
include a lady expecting,
Their crime no more
than the act of protesting
Lynchings are not
just a Klan preserve
It's what many in India
are believed to deserve
And did you know also
that under attack
Are Africans and Siddis
Lives that are Black
So congressman, journalists
wake up for us too
Force the killing to stop
there's so much you can do
Don't say you can't
or worse, that you won't
Yes, All Lives Matter
But in India, they DON'T